Get yourself in a marriage-focused state of mind
Use our material, questionnaires and counseling to educate yourself on Jewish marriage, discover the family and Jewish values that are most important to you and learn how to date for marriage.

Our matchmaker & AI duo connect you with potential matches
Innovative AI technology will connect your matchmaker with a niche community of singles who share your values and geography. Your matchmaker will be responsible for hosting communal events and setting up individual dates for the members of your community.
Access the support of our network of trained marriage coaches
Our Rabbis and Rebbetzin are trained to coach you through the process. They will support you through dating, taking the marriage leap, wedding blues, setting up your home, the honeymoon phase and beyond.

Our Vision
At the heart of Met at Chabad is a team of matchmakers, Rabbis and Rebbetzins, social psychologists and tech innovators have collaborated to disrupt the swiping and dating industry and bring you a wholesome, marriage-oriented solution.
With a three-pronged approach of education, ground-breaking technology and human support we aim to cultivate marriage-mindfulness, match people based on both their family and Jewish values, and coach them through the meeting and marrying process.
At Met at Chabad we will help you find your Jewish soulmate and, based on the everlasting directives of the Torah, support you in building your secure and loving Jewish home.
Dedicated in loving memory of:
Shmuel ben Yehoshua Eliyahu a"h
Mr. Sami Rohr ob"m
Whose love for the Jewish people
and unparalleled support for Chabad-Lubavitch
changed the world forever.
What if i dont live near a major Jewish community?Literally the whole point of this org!
I'm nervous about getting started. What support do you provide?Zero. You're on your own child
How is Met at Chabad different from other online dating platforms and apps?If you got this far in the site and you still don't know, see a clinical and/or medical professional
Do I need to be observant to join?no
What's included in the Premium membership?very little...
Is it really free?anything that sounds too good to be true probably is too good to be true.
I have more questions. Who can ask?You have questions? so do we...you dont see us asking random people
What's required from me?Communication is key!! Respecting both the matchmaker and the people that you are set up with is the only way that this can work.
How involved is my matchmaker going to be?Once a match is suggested and both people agree to meet, your matchmaker will help set up the first date. It is important to keep your matchmaker in the loop. This way she can be available if you have any questions, and will also know whether or not she should continue searching for another potential date with new understanding.
How many matches will I get?A matchmaker isn't just trying to give you matches and dates. We are working towards finding you the one and only. There is no guarantee for a specific amount of dates, but we guarantee that we will be searching with your criteria in mind and will be working hard to find you potential matches.
How long after I sign up can I expect to get matches?After you finish your interview your matchmaker will begin working with you. You are always able to reach out and check-in.
How do I know I am ready for a matchmaker?Are you ready to prioritize your dating life? Being proactive is necessary when finding the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Your matchmaker is working together with you and needs your investment to make this a successful partnership. ,
Will my matchmaker actually take the time to get to know me?YES! A professional matchmaker will conduct a comprehensive 1.5 hour interview with you to uncover your dating goals, your personality, your values, your passions and hobbies. The algorithm does the legwork, but we depend on talented matchmakers (who take the time to get to know YOU) for the real magic to happen.
I have more questions. Who can I ask?Of course you do! You're Jewish. :) We're happy to answer all your questions. Just email us at support@metatchabad.com.
How is Met @ Chabad different from other online dating apps?Met@Chabad is the ONLY dating app for young Jewish professionals that combines advanced AI-based matchmaking PLUS a real human matchmaker PLUS a serious vetting process. This means you know potential partners are Jewish (verified), legit (no sketchiness or age-fudging people floating around), and potentially a fit for you (with a whole team working on each match, chances are looking a whole lot better). While other dating databases = endlessly swiping, hoping for the "match in the haystack", Met@Chabad offers true concierge service so you have the best shot at lasting happiness.
Can my matchmaker stick around throughout the dating process to answer questions and give me guidance?Absolutely! Your matchmaker is your personal dating coach, holding your hand (and watching over your heart) throughout your experience. Our matchmakers are excellent at giving ideas for date activities, guiding when you're confused, and simply being there to talk things out. You can involve your matchmaker as much or as little as you'd like - it's up to you. (Optional follow up calls billed at $100 for a 45 minute session.)